Lincoln, NE | (402) 310-6414


Riding your motorcycle during the summer months can be a lot of fun, but it’s essential to be well prepared. In this post byAMSOIL: Olson Marketing in Saunders County,we’ll talk about how to care for your bike and yourself during this season.

Ensure Your Motorcycle Is Ready for the Heat

The first step in having a great road trip is to prepare your vehicle for it, in this case, your motorcycle. One of the most frustrating things that can happen in a road trip is to have unexpected delays, and taking in your bike for its routine maintenance beforehand can prevent issues on the road. Whether you take your bike in for maintenance or decide to do it yourself, there are a few essential things you should have on your checklist. First, check that your tires are at the correct air pressure, that your engine oil is at the right level and that your bike’s chain is in good condition. Also, if you will be riding in hot weather, it’s vital to ensure that your motorcycle has enough coolant to avoid your engine overheating.

Schedule a synthetic oil change in Saunders County to have your engine running smoothly for your next trip! Call Call Olson Marketing at (402) 310-6414 and let them guide you through their extensive catalog of products or visit their online store to place your order 24/7!

Taking Care of Your Body

Taking care of your body is a part of a road trip that is often overlooked when planning, but consider that driving through the summer heat can be rather taxing on the body. Having that in mind, it’s essential to plan out stops in places where you can cool down and rest. Hydration is also vital in keeping necessary electrolytes in your body. Use rest stops to hydrate and try having a recovery drink once you get to your destination for the day and try and avoid alcohol as it can be dehydrating. Another way to take care of yourself while on the road is stopping to stretch, as long drives can take a toll on your back and legs. Try to stop often to stretch and walk around to promote blood flow to your legs. These short stops can also be a great moment to have a snack and recover your energy. As a final tip, don’t forget to put on sunscreen on any exposed skin to prevent sunburns.
Pro tip: Don’t forget to pack any prescription medicine and emergency medicine you might need on the road.

Call Olson Marketing at (402) 310-6414 today for more information on the best products for your motorcycle, like AMSOIL’s 20W-50 Synthetic V-Twin Motorcycle Oil. Place your order online today, and don’t forget to get a synthetic oil change in Saunders County for your motorcycle!

Summer Riding Gear is Your Friend

Riding your motorcycle in the heat can be taxing on your body; luckily, there’s gear explicitly designed for hotter climates. The right equipment can make your trip much more enjoyable and comfortable. When looking for summer riding gear, make sure to look for pieces designed to protect you while at the same time keeping you fresh. Think of sweat-wicking layers, bodysuits, jackets, and pants with mesh panels for ventilation. Other gear that can help you stay cool while riding are cooling neck wraps and evaporative cooling vests that will keep your core temperature low. Don’t forget to protect your eyes while driving, not only from the sun but also from bugs and debris, by using a helmet with a sun visor, sunglasses, or a dark screen.

Add Places to Cool Down to Your Trip

Typically planning out your road trip and stops along the way is also a critical factor in enjoying your time on the road; this is twice as important during hotter months. First things first, avoid riding during the hottest hours of the day, typically between noon and 3 pm. You can plan to stop for lunch or an extended break during this time. Then, as we mentioned earlier, plan out your stops in places where you can cool down and hydrate like rest spots with shade. Finally, hydrate along the way, whether it’s by stopping to drink water or by having a water pack with you. Hydration is one of the easiest ways to stay cool during the summer.

Olson Marketing is your best option for synthetic oil in Saunders County. Give them a call at (402) 310-6414. Their friendly oil experts will answer all your questions, or visit their online shop to place your order today.